Expressive Arts Therapist--Trauma Informed [EXAT] is a continuing education program designed to help you acquire the competencies necessary to apply Trauma-Informed Expressive Arts Therapy within the context of psychotherapy and counseling. To be admitted to this program and participate in the courses and practices to achieve this designation, applicants must be hold a master's degree or higher and be licensed or board certified mental health professionals including psychologists, psychiatrists, psychoanalysts, psychotherapists, social workers, counselors, marriage and family therapists, psychiatric nurses and addictions counselors. 


1. Complete the application and payment to apply for this option; this process is for verification of your credential/license/board certification.

2. 90 hours of online and/or live courses via Trauma-Informed Practices and Expressive Arts Institute. 

3. 250 practice hours of Trauma-Informed Expressive Arts Therapy with individuals, families and/or groups.

4. 25 sessions of supervision [any combination of one-hour individual sessions and/or two-hour group sessions]; supervision is offered by qualified EXAT practitioners using online delivery [see Supervision for more information]. 

5. After completion of all previous requirements, submission of a Final Portfolio [video, media or written] demonstrating ability to apply the principles and practices of Trauma-Informed Expressive Arts Therapy.   

For more information and to complete the Initial Application, please visit this page.


Expressive Arts Coach/Educator--Trauma-Informed [EXA-CE] is a continuing education program designed to help individuals in a variety of fields acquire the competencies necessary to apply trauma-informed expressive arts in your work. Applicants for this designation include individuals with degrees in the arts, humanities or education, health or other types of coaches, nurses and nurse practitioners, occupational therapists, physical therapists, emergency medical workers, acupuncturists, bodyworkers (massage therapists, Rolfers®, Craniosacral and Polarity therapists, Feldenkrais practitioners, yoga practitioners, and others), first responders, crisis center staff, educators, mediators, clergy, and chaplains.


1. Complete the **application and payment to apply for this option; this process is for verification of your credential/license/board certification.

2. 60 hours of online and/or live courses via Trauma-Informed Practices and Expressive Arts Institute.

3. 250 practice hours of Trauma-Informed Expressive Arts facilitation or coaching with individuals, families and/or groups.

4. 25 sessions of supervision [any combination of one-hour individual sessions and/or two-hour group sessions]; supervision is offered by qualified EXAT practitioners using online delivery [see Supervision for more information].

5. After completion of all previous requirements, submission of a Final Portfolio [video, media or written] demonstrating ability to apply the principles and practices of Trauma-Informed Expressive Arts. 

See this page for Initial Application.