Expressive Arts Therapy: The Foundation Course
Foundation for all Institute Certificates and EXAT and EXA-CE designations. This is self-paced home study course with a final examination.
Welcome to Expressive Arts Therapy: The Foundation Course! This is the 12 continuing education foundation course for understanding how expressive arts therapy and other arts-based approaches enhance creative and innovative work with children, adolescents, adults and families. This is a more comprehensive version of the live course of the same name. This is also the first course in the Trauma-Informed Expressive Arts Therapy Level One Certificate Program and can be applied toward achieving your EXAT or EXA-CE designations (see or the REAT credential with the International Expressive Arts Therapy Association.
This course provides participants with an understanding expressive arts therapy and trauma-informed practice as they apply to intervention with individuals who have experienced distress, loss, abuse, disaster, health crises, or other events. It also explains the applications of expressive arts therapy for self-care and restoration of health and well-being.
Session Objectives:
Each session is designed to provide an overview of the topics outlined in the syllabus. Participants complete short assignments, arts-based approaches, and written responses to enhance understanding of the essential components in the application of arts and creative approaches to trauma intervention. Participants will also complete a comprehensive final exam at the end of the course.
Participants will learn:
Optional, But Highly Recommended. If you are taking this course as part of the curriculum for the EXAT [Expressive Arts Therapist, Trauma-Informed] and EXA-CE [Expressive Arts Coach Educator] designations, please also obtain a copy of Trauma and Expressive Arts Therapy: Brain, Body, and Imagination in the Healing Process. The core concepts presented in this course and in all of our courses are based on this book and if you are working toward the EXAT or EXA-CE, you are required to understand these concepts and approaches.
You can purchase this book from Guilford Publications or Amazon and other booksellers in print and e-book versions.
Continuing Education Information
Counselors/National Board for Certified Counselors (NBCC). Trauma-Informed Practices and Expressive Arts Therapy Institute has been approved by NBCC as an Approved Continuing Education Provider, ACEP No. 6557. Programs that do not qualify for NBCC are clearly identified. Trauma-Informed Practices and Expressive Arts Therapy Institute is solely responsible for all aspects of the programs.
Art Therapy Credentials Board [ATCB]. The ATCB recognizes a variety of CEC activities, including those in the areas of professional and mental health counseling. These activities are clearly outlined in their recertification standards provided to all ATR-BCs in their recertification year and on their website. A minimum of six CECs must be earned in the area of ethics each cycle. If you are licensed as an art therapist in your state, please check with your state board to verify what types of CEC activities are acceptable for license renewal.
California Marriage and Family Therapists, Social Workers and Professional Counselors. As of July 1, 2015, the State of California /Board of Behavioral Sciences [BBS] amended its regulations for continuing education providers to include National Board for Certified Counselors (NBCC) as a "board-recognized approval agency." If you are licensed as a marriage and family therapist, social worker, educational psychologist or professional clinical counselor in California, NBCC Approved Continuing Education Providers are recognized by the BBS to fulfill continuing education requirements. As of July 1, 2015, required CE hours can be accumulated through self-study and distance learning.
International Expressive Arts Therapy Association [IEATA]. Many participants go on to apply for the REAT or REACE credential with IEATA and use our expressive arts therapy coursework to do so. Please check with IEATA to make sure you are meeting their current requirements for registration and let us know if you need additional information to help you qualify.
Psychotherapy and Counseling Fedration of Australia [PACFA]. Many of our Australian participants indicate that these hours are accepted by PACFA---Psychotherapy and Counseling Federation of Australia. Please check with PACFA to verify this and let us know if you require any additional information for this organization to qualify your professional development hours.
Canadian Counseling and Psychotherapy Association [CCPA]. Many of our Canadian participants indicate that these hours are accepted by CCPA for certain professional development requirements. Please check with CCPA to verify this and let us know if you require any additional information for this organization to qualify your professional development hours.
CPD hours [Professional Development] are currently in the application stage. We also welcome teachers to this course; please contact us for additional information.
Credentialing boards in Canada, Europe, and Australia accept our courses for professional development. Please check with them to verify that this course applies to your goals for credentialing or renewal of registration, certification, or licensing.
About Cathy Malchiodi, PhD
Syllabus, Goals and Objectives of this Course
Walkthrough Your Course and Its Features
Trauma-Informed Practices Suggested Books
Special Note About Art Materials and Expressive Arts Assignments
Guiding Principles
What is Expressive Arts Therapy?
What is Expressive Arts Therapy? A Brief Film
References Used in this Course
References Downloadable PDF for Your Files
What is Trauma-Informed Practice?
Trauma-Informed and Non-Trauma-Informed
Healing Centered Engagement as Trauma-Informed Practice
Trauma-Informed Expressive Arts Approach to Disaster Relief
Expressive Arts Therapy as Culturally Relevant Practice
Natalie Rogers: Expressive Arts Therapy Film
Expressive Arts Therapy and Restoration of the Self
Why Arts-Based Expression is Important to Trauma Intervention
What is Trauma-Informed Expressive Arts Therapy?
The Seven Principles of Trauma-Informed Expressive Arts Therapy
Culturally-Sensitive Trauma Intervention
What Art Therapy Learned from September 11th 2001
The Four Functions of Expressive Arts Therapy
Expressive Arts Therapy: Brain-Wise Approaches
Top Down or Bottom Up Approaches to Expressive Arts Therapy
Creativity in Counseling
The Integrative Nature of Trauma-Informed Expressive Arts Therapy
Sensory-Based Trauma Intervention
A Reparative Sensory-Based Experience
Why Creative Interventions Are Effective When It Comes to Traumatic Stress
Regulation, Co-Regulation, and Expressive Approaches
Coming to Our Senses: Neuroscience and Expressive Approaches
Neuroscience: Enhancing Understanding of Trauma Memory and Reactions
Neurodevelopment and Trauma
Developmental Trauma Disorder
Adverse Childhood Events (ACES)
Repair of Early Trauma: A Bottom-Up Approach
Intergenerational and Historical Trauma